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Ottawa East Minor Hockey Association

OEMHA U11 - Welcome to the 2024-2025 Season

2024-08-28 - OE U11 ALL

My name is Ginette Clarke and I am this year’s convenor for the Ottawa East Minor Hockey Association (OEMHA) U11 group.

I wanted to introduce myself and give you a heads up that the start of the season is quickly approaching.  

Start Date for Ice Times
Ice times will be starting as early as the week of September 2, 2024. The exact ice times and locations for all of the players with OEMHA are being confirmed.

I will post a message as soon as I have confirmed details of ice times and locations.

Plan for September Sessions
Over the next few weeks there will be a minimum of 4 practice sessions for players that will provide a chance for players to warm up, condition and get used to being back on the ice. There may be more than 4 practice sessions depending on available ice time.

Later in September there will be formal evaluation sessions. Normally these occur over 3 formal sessions and includes skill sessions and a game. 

More information will be provided once these dates and details are confirmed.

Request for Volunteers
Like every hockey season, the program relies on the efforts of volunteers in a number of roles including to coach and to provide on ice support during the formal evaluation sessions that will occur later in September.  Once teams are determined, we will also look for volunteers to help in manager roles.

If you are interested in coaching or helping out with the formal evaluation sessions, please provide me your name as soon as possible or identify your interest in coaching on the OEMHA website.  

Thanks and looking forward to the season ahead.



Used Equipment Sale Saturday September 7


First Ice and Used Equipment Sale


Preseason starts after Labour Day


The Annual Hockey Equipment Sale Is Coming Soon!
