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Ottawa East Minor Hockey Association
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Registration for Ottawa East players for the 2024-25 season is open!  We are pleased to tell you that there will be NO FEE INCREASE for House League players this season!

Links to register are at the bottom of this page.  Please read through this page first.

Trying out for Competitive Hockey? 
Players living in Ottawa East territory and trying out for boys/co-ed competitive teams must register with their competitive association AND MUST ALSO register with the Ottawa East Minor Hockey Association each year.  Registrants for the Ottawa Girls Hockey Association do NOT have to register with Ottawa East.

Again this year registration for house league players is separate from enrollment for competitive players.  Choose the correct form(s) at the bottom of the page.

- there is no charge for competitive players to enroll with Ottawa East.
- registration in the house league stream requires payment in full and the refund policy will apply.
Players trying out for competitive ARE allowed to register for house league as well if they wish, but note that payment in full for house league is required at the time of registration and the refund policy will apply.  Players who try out for a competitive team but do not make the team are guaranteed a spot in house league.

U7 2018, 2019, 2020 440
U9 2016, 2017 650
U11 2014, 2015 670 720 770
U13 2012, 2013 690 740 790
U15 2010, 2011 710 760 810
U18 2007, 2008, 2009 710 760 810

There is now a $50 late fee after September 1 for U11 to U18.   Be sure to register by Sept 1!  Even better, register by August 15 to take advantage of the Early-Bird discount.

  • Full-time goalies U11 and older will again receive a $200 rebate, paid at the end of the season
  • Full time goalies who use their own equipment will receive an additional $200 rebate, paid at the end of the season.
  • Families with three or more players will receive a rebate of $75 per player, paid at the end of the season.
In general there are no refunds given for withdrawals after teams are formed in late September or early October because withdrawals after team formation are highly disruptive to teams and to operations.
Withdrawal Refund
withdrawal before first ice time in September  registration fee less $ 25 credit card fee
withdrawal after first ice time and before team formation  (late September or early October) registration fee less $ 100 credit card and ice fees
withdrawal after team formation    no refund
The three exceptions for which prorated refunds ARE provided are:
- any time at the U7 level.
- players accepted onto competitive teams.
- withdrawals for medical reasons with a doctor's letter.

The fee schedule above is for your regular season fees. Team fees to cover tournament registrations and exhibition games are set by the coach and parents, and typically range from $150 to $350 ($25 to $50 for U7).  They will be collected by your team manager when the regular season starts and are NOT included in this registration.

We believe it's crucial for players to be able to play with others at a similar skill level every year.  Enrollment in minor hockey across Canada continues to decline, and Ottawa East's numbers are becoming too small to properly tier players into A, B, and C levels and to make teams of the correct size.  To this end the Boards of Ottawa East (OE) and Ottawa Center (OC) are planning to combine some operations this year, possibly including running some joint teams.  Details will depend on what is needed once we are on the ice and can evaluate numbers and skills.

There will again be a shortage of available ice this fall due to the continued closure of several arenas.  This will mean that we will continue to have practices and games at different arenas and at less desirable times than usual.

Reach-Out financial assistance program
The OEMHA Reach-Out Program provides financial assistance with registration fees and team fees. Families who wish to participate in the Reach-Our Program must register with Reach-Out here: Reach-Out Program Registration Form.  DO NOT register on this page if you are registering with the Reach-Out Program.  After you are registered with the Reach-Out program you will be contacted by a Reach-Out Committee volunteer.

U21 Players:  Ottawa East will not be running a U21 team this year.  U21 players should instead register with either Ottawa Centre or Canterbury.

Rowan's Law: Please follow this link and read about Rowan's Law and be prepared to sign the Acknowledgement.

Are you registering in the right association?
Before registering for the OEMHA, it is important to ensure that you live in our association’s catchment area. To confirm your home association, enter your address here:  It should return results indicating “Your home minor hockey association: Ottawa East Minor Hockey Association”. If not, then you need to register with the appropriate association using the link provided.

New to Hockey?
At least one parent or guardian of all registrants must have taken the on-line course Respect in Sport Parent Program.  Parents must complete this course before the first U7 practice, or first game for U9 to U18.  Your convenor will be contacting you with details about how our association will be handling this mandatory requirement from Hockey Canada.  In the meantime, Hockey Eastern Ontario has information about this initiative at
NOTEThe Respect in Sport Parent Program differs from the Respect in Sport Leader/Coach Program. Parents who have taken the Leader/Coach Program must still take the Parent Program.​

U7 (IP) Parents
If you are registering in the Under 7 level (Initiation Program), we have some answers to frequently asked questions here.

This year House League registration will be done through Hockey Canada (rather than through our previous private supplier, Goalline). You may need to create a Hockey Canada 3.0 (Spordle) account and search for your player, attaching them to your account. 

A guide to the process is available to read here: 

Questions?  Please email or






2025 IIHF Flag Bearers Competition Players Aged 7 to 14


OEMHA Annual Equipment Sale - Thank you!


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