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Ottawa East Minor Hockey Association

Welcome, U15's, to a new season!

2024-08-28 - OE U15 ALL

Hello players and coaches
My name is Greg John, and I will be the co-convenor for the upcoming U15 Ottawa East hockey season. Please read below for some important information about the upcoming season.
Ice times begin next week as early as Tuesday Sept 3. We have not yet been given the U15 ice times, but players can expect to be on the ice at least twice next week. I will share exact days/times with you as soon as I receive them.
The season will begin as always with a few conditioning/practice/scrimmage sessions, followed by some timed skilled evaluations, and finally some scrimmage-based evaluations will allow us to form teams. It is important that players attend as many of these sessions as possible to help us find the ideal fit for all. We expect to enter at least one team in each of the U15 levels (A/B/C).
Ottawa East minor hockey remains entirely a volunteer driven organization, and we'll need lots of help during the start-up process. This includes on-ice coaches to run the conditioning sessions (which we envision as a combination of a few drills with a significant scrimmage portion), a trainer at each session, as well as timers for the timed skills evaluation sessions. Please inform me as soon as possible if you can help out in these areas.
Looking ahead to the rest of the season, volunteers will be required for each team to fill the roles of head and assistant coaches, trainer, team manager, treasurer, timekeepers, and other odds and ends. Please let me know if you are interested in filling any of these roles.
Finally, you may have noticed that I referred to myself above as the "co-convenor". Due to the steady decline of registrations over the past years, the decision has been made to merge the U15 players from the Ottawa East and Ottawa Centre associations. Low registration numbers mean we often cannot field a team at each level (A/B/C), resulting in players playing at the wrong level or awkwardly sized teams. While there will be many new faces around the rink, this change shouldn't have a significant impact on the season. I'll be sharing the role of convenor with a counterpart from Ottawa Centre, and we'll be doing our best to ensure a seamless integration and a positive experience for all players and families.
Stay tuned for our first ice times, which I'll share with you as soon as I possibly can.
Eventually I expect to be reachable at, but for now you should probably cc to be sure.

Used Equipment Sale Saturday September 7


First Ice and Used Equipment Sale


Preseason starts after Labour Day


The Annual Hockey Equipment Sale Is Coming Soon!
