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Ottawa East Minor Hockey Association

OEMHA U11 Scheduled Ice Times and Groups

2024-08-30 - OE U11 ALL

The OEMHA U11 group has been assigned 5 ice times from September 3 – 12, 2024. These pre- season ice times will be used to get players back on the ice, to do some conditioning drills, to play some scrimmages and to have some fun.

Current Groupings for OEMHA U11 Players
To ensure the ideal number of players on the ice during these sessions, the players have been divided, based on alphabetical order, into two groups: Blue Group and Green Group.

If you do not see the name of your player in this list, please let me know as soon as possible.

Please note, the groups may change in the preseason based on a number of reasons such as the registering of additional players and availability of ice time. If the groups change, I will inform you as soon as possible.

Players for the Blue and Green Groups
Blue Group Green Group
Felix Bissonnette Alex Hur
Zachary Boileau Xavier Leclair
Theodore Brousseau Laurent Martin
Benjamin Caron Colton Masson
Rémi Causse David Musseau
Johnny Charlton Theo Navarro
Cote Frankie Magnus Oleary
Shea Cumby Nolan O'Neill
Koleson Cundell Samuel Pinard
Brady Doucet Murid Razouk
Logan Edwards Olivier Roussy
Daniel Estevam Sathler Ali Shariff
Jackson Fraser Benjamin Shogilev
Henri Gauthier Drew Shouldice
Hugo Hebert Shay Smith
Joshua Howe Declan Solomon
  Andrew Weaver
Ice Time Schedule
Please arrive early to the first practice session so that your player can receive a numbered pinney that they will be required to wear at each practice session and the formal evaluation sessions.
Group Date Time Arena
(Blue and Green)
September 3, 2024 (Tuesday) 6:00 p.m. McNabb Arena
Blue September 4, 2024
7:00 p.m. Sandy Hill Arena
Green September 7, 2024
11:00 a.m. Sandy Hill Arena
Blue September 8, 2024
11:00 a.m. Brian Kilrea Arena
Green September 12, 2024
5:00 p.m. Peplinksi Arena – Jim Durrell Centre
Enjoy the long weekend and look forward to seeing everyone next week.

Used Equipment Sale Saturday September 7


First Ice and Used Equipment Sale


Preseason starts after Labour Day


The Annual Hockey Equipment Sale Is Coming Soon!
