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Ottawa East Minor Hockey Association

NSST Schedule Change

2024-09-08 - OE U13 ALL

Hello Hockey Families,

I assure you, I won't be sending this many emails throughout the season. :)

We have a slight change in plans for our cohort's NSST on Wednesday, September 11; It is important for players to attend NSST is possible.

Instead of splitting into two separate groups, we've decided that, given our modest group size of around 30 players, it would be more enjoyable for both groups to attend the first hour and, if possible, stay for the second for some fun.

7PM -8PM - Scrimmage for those who wish to and are able to stay.
Location - Sandy Hill Arena

*Players are required to stay past 7 IF NSST’s are not fully completed*

For goalies, attendance at the NSST is optional, but they are welcome to participate if they choose.

As always, I'm available via email should you need to contact me.

Looking forward to seeing you at the rink,

Used Equipment Sale Saturday September 7


First Ice and Used Equipment Sale


Preseason starts after Labour Day


The Annual Hockey Equipment Sale Is Coming Soon!
