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Ottawa East Minor Hockey Association
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Rowan's Law

On July 1st, 2019 the Ontario government implemented “Rowan’s Act”; a concussion awareness law that applies to all sports and requires at least one parent to complete the Rowan’s Law Acknowledgement Form before their child may participate.

What this means for ALL participants (parents, coaches, and players):
If you have already registered for the 2019/20 season, you will need to review the Ontario government's online concussion resources, review the HEO Concussion Code of Conduct, and then complete the Rowan’s Law Acknowledgement Form. Hold onto that form for now - we will collect them in due course, or if possible we will use a fully online form.
If you have not yet registered you will be prompted to do the above during registration. 
Please note that this is a requirement and not optional.  The OEMHA thanks parents and volunteers for their co-operation in this matter.
And here are the most important pages for review:
• 10 and Under Concussion Awareness Resource
• 11-14 Concussion Awareness Resource
• 15 and Over Concussion Awareness Resource




Silver Medal for U18B1 at CanAm!


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